
Monday, October 6, 2014

One of the hot spewing globes...

One of the hot spewing globes started to sink into the sand. As it did so it glazed the sand into glass creating a glass tunnel. It traveled further and further down. When it got 20 feet down it hit the underground aquifer and started to boil the underground saltwater. At the same time it was digging out the sand and tunneling further along, it hit a sinkhole and brought a house down with it, concrete block being singed into carbon, saltwater boiling into noxious vapor, hot silicon dioxide gases floating up and landing on surfaces, cooling to a sheen.

It hit another sinkhole which brought another house down and a car, the car melted, the gasoline ignited and blew parts of the car back up to the surface.

Larry was still oblivious to everything, the pain had sent him into shock.

Emergency services were beginning to arrive but as they approached they quickly figured out they had to back off and give this phenomenon space. The police didn't bother trying to shoot at the balls, they could tell they were so hot bullets weren't going to stop them.

"What do you do with something like this?" remarked one.

"Get it on video," said another.

Another sinkhole opened, palm trees fell in, the air took on the odor of burning wood, shingles, tar, and trails of gaseous glass streamed up from the holes here and there landing on whatever, burning a shadow of a brand where the hot, molten, amorphous liquid landed, and then turning into 2300 degree glass, fading from orange to white to clear.

Sparks flew off the bubbles and floating gaseous glass as dust landed on them and were instantly toasted.

More bubbles were created as they went further along in every direction, some nearly at the beach now. Cars were being diverted in every direction. Some of the ball lightning was following the high tension electric powerlines north and south. Some were still being cut in two as the lines came down, energizing the dangerous globuloids more and more, and cutting the balls in two and sending balls here and there. People were being evacuated, running from the whirling death globes.

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